
Here is the full list of my publications. You can also find my Google Scholar in the top left of this page. Reviewed articles are highlighted with the journal's abbreviation. Click the "Abstract" button to deploy the abstract of each paper.


  1. APL Quantum
    Comparing pseudo-and quantum-random number generators with Monte Carlo simulations
    Cirauqui, David, Garcı́a-March, Miguel Ángel, Guigó Corominas, Guillem, Graß, Tobias, Grzybowski, Przemysław R, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Saavedra, JRM, and Lewenstein, Maciej
    APL Quantum 2024
  2. Artificial agency and large language models
    Van Lier, Maud, and Muñoz-Gil, Gorka
    arXiv:2407.16190 2024
  3. Phys. Rev. E
    Learning minimal representations of stochastic processes with variational autoencoders
    Fernández-Fernández, Gabriel, Manzo, Carlo, Lewenstein, Maciej, Dauphin, Alexandre, and Muñoz-Gil, Gorka
    Physical Review E 2024
  4. Nat. Mach. Intell.
    Quantum circuit synthesis with diffusion models
    Fürrutter, Florian, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, and Briegel, Hans J
    Nature Machine Intelligence 2024
  5. Revista RSFE
    La irrupción del aprendizaje automático en fı́sica.
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka
    Revista Española de Fı́sica 2024
  6. Soft Matter
    Learning how to find targets in the micro-world: the case of intermittent active Brownian particles
    Caraglio, Michele, Kaur, Harpreet, Fiderer, Lukas J, López-Incera, Andrea, Briegel, Hans J, Franosch, Thomas, and Muñoz-Gil, Gorka
    Soft Matter 2024
  7. New J. Phys.
    Optimal foraging strategies can be learned
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, López-Incera, Andrea, Fiderer, Lukas J, and Briegel, Hans J
    New Journal of Physics 2024


  1. i.p.a. Nat. Commun.
    Quantitative evaluation of methods to analyze motion changes in single-particle experiments (AnDi Challenge 2)
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Bachimanchi, Harshith, Pineda, Jesús, Midtvedt, Benjamin, Lewenstein, Maciej, Metzler, Ralf, Krapf, Diego, Volpe, Giovanni, and Manzo, Carlo
    In principle accepted in Nature Communications 2023
  2. Biophys. J.
    Inferring pointwise diffusion properties of single trajectories with deep learning
    Requena, Borja, Masó-Orriols, Sergi, Bertran, Joan, Lewenstein, Maciej, Manzo, Carlo, and Muñoz-Gil, Gorka
    Biophysical Journal 2023
  3. Phys. Rev. Res.
    Certificates of quantum many-body properties assisted by machine learning
    Requena, Borja, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Lewenstein, Maciej, Dunjko, Vedran, and Tura, Jordi
    Phys. Rev. Res. 2023
  4. J. Phys. A
    Preface: characterisation of physical processes from anomalous diffusion data
    Manzo, Carlo, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Volpe, Giovanni, Garcia-March, Miguel Angel, Lewenstein, Maciej, and Metzler, Ralf
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2023


  1. Book
    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences
    Dawid, Anna, Arnold, Julian, Requena, Borja, Gresch, Alexander, Płodzień, Marcin, Donatella, Kaelan, Nicoli, Kim, Stornati, Paolo, Koch, Rouven, Büttner, Miriam, Okuła, Robert, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, [...] Lewenstein, Maciej, and Dauphin, Alexandre
    arXiv:2204.04198 2022
  2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
    Stochastic particle unbinding modulates growth dynamics and size of transcription factor condensates in living cells
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Romero, Catalina, Mateos, Nicolas, Llobet Cucalon, Lara Isabel, Filion, Guillaume, Beato, Miguel, Lewenstein, Maciej, Garcı́ia-Parajo, Marı́ia, and Torreno-Pina, Juan
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022
  3. Remote Sens.
    Citizen Science to Assess Light Pollution with Mobile Phones
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Dauphin, Alexandre, Beduini, Federica A, and Miguel, Alejandro
    Remote Sensing 2022


  1. Nat. Commun.
    Objective comparison of methods to decode anomalous diffusion
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Volpe, Giovanni, Garcia-March, Miguel Angel [...], and Manzo, Carlo
    Nature Communications 2021
  2. ML: sci. technol.
    Efficient training of energy-based models via spin-glass control
    Pozas-Kerstjens, Alejandro, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Piñol, Eloy, Garcı́a-March, Miguel Ángel, Acı́n, Antonio, Lewenstein, Maciej, and Grzybowski, Przemysław R
    Machine Learning: Science and Technology 2021
  3. J. Phys. A
    Unsupervised learning of anomalous diffusion data: an anomaly detection approach
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Corominas, Guillem Guigo, and Lewenstein, Maciej
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2021


  1. New J. Phys. NJP Best 2020
    Single trajectory characterization via machine learning
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Garcia-March, Miguel Angel, Manzo, Carlo, Martı́n-Guerrero, José D, and Lewenstein, Maciej
    New Journal of Physics 2020
  2. Quantum
    Control of anomalous diffusion of a Bose polaron
    Charalambous, Christos, Garcı́a-March, Miguel Ángel, Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Grzybowski, Przemysław Ryszard, and Lewenstein, Maciej
    Quantum 2020


  1. Front. Phys
    Diffusion through a network of compartments separated by partially-transmitting boundaries
    Muñoz-Gil, Gorka, Garcia-March, Miguel Angel, Manzo, Carlo, Celi, Alessio, and Lewenstein, Maciej
    Frontiers in Physics 2019


  1. Phys. Rev. E
    Nonergodic subdiffusion from transient interactions with heterogeneous partners
    Charalambous, C, Muñoz-Gil, G, Celi, A, Garcia-Parajo, MF, Lewenstein, M, Manzo, C, and Garcı́a-March, MA
    Physical Review E 2017
  2. Phys. Rev. E
    Transient subdiffusion from an Ising environment
    Muñoz-Gil, G, Charalambous, C, Garcı́a-March, MA, Garcia-Parajo, MF, Manzo, C, Lewenstein, M, and Celi, A
    Physical Review E 2017